Gaji Keith Urban

Singer-penulis lagu
Lahir: New Zeeland 1967
  • Tahun: IDR571,100,149,402.00
  • Bulan: IDR47,591,679,116.83
  • Minggu: IDR10,982,695,180.81
  • Hari: IDR2,196,539,036.16
Keith Urban

Sejak Anda mengunjungi halaman ini, Keith Urban telah mendapatkan:

This summary is provided by Wikipedia

Keith Urban merupakan seorang penyanyi berkebangsaan Australia. Mulai 2013, ia menjabat sebagai juri American Idol. Dia dilahirkan di Whangarei. Berkarier di dunia musik sejak tahun 1990.

Wikipedia page about Keith Urban

Annual Income overview:
Statista Nov. 2019: $35 million
Pollstar Jan 2019: $672,284
Forbes July 2016: $22 million
Forbes July 2014: $28million
Buzzfeed Jan. 2014: $5 million for American Idol season 13
Perez Hilton 16/9/12: Urban will be earning $3 to $5 million.
Forbes 2010 earnings: $27.5 million


For the picture, the full credits and the applicable licence are accessible via the source link. The only change made to the picture is the cropping of the picture, to highlight the person shown.

Update: 2023-6
