- Tahun: IDR4,379,654,664,231.00
- Bulan: IDR364,971,222,019.25
- Minggu: IDR84,224,128,158.29
- Hari: IDR16,844,825,631.66
Sejak Anda mengunjungi halaman ini, Madonna telah mendapatkan:
Madonna Louise Ciccone adalah pemeran, penyanyi, dan pengusaha Amerika Serikat. Ia merupakan salah satu figur paling besar dalam sejarah musik populer dunia dan mendapat julukan sebagai "Ratu Pop". Menurut Guinness World Records, ia merupakan penyanyi wanita tersukses sepanjang masa. Madonna dikenal akan produksi musik yang inovatif dan provokatif, koreografi dan pertunjukan panggung yang ekstravagan, serta video musik yang artistik. Sejak kemunculan dan dominasinya di dunia hiburan era 1980-an, Madonna telah mendefinisikan musik dan budaya pop dan menjadi pengaruh besar bagi banyak penyanyi di berbagai belahan dunia.
Wikipedia page about MadonnaAnnual earnings overview:
Fictional income calculated by subtracting the net worth of 2023 from the 2024 net worth.
Net Worth 2024: $850M ($270 M rise compared to last year)
Forbes June 2023: (America's Self-Made Women Forbes List) net worth $ 580M ($ 5 million rise on 2022)
Forbes June 2022: (America's Self-Made Women Forbes List) net worth $575M ($ 25 million rise on 2021)
Forbes Aug 2021: net worth $ 550 million (America's Self-Made Women Forbes List)
Forbes July 2016: $76.5 million
Billboard May 2016: $11.4 M
Forbes June 2013: $125 million
Billboard 2012 earnings: $34,577,308.62
Forbes 2010 earnings: $58 million
Notification: the salarychecker is based on a 5 days working week and two weeks holiday per year
- Picture: Tony Barton, Wikipedia — Attribution (CC BY)
- Text: Forbes
- Text: Forbes
- Text: Forbes
- Text: Forbes
- Text: Billboard
- Text: Smooth radio
- Text: Billboard
- Text: Forbes
- Text: Wikipedia
- Text: Forbes
For the picture, the full credits and the applicable licence are accessible via the source link. The only change made to the picture is the cropping of the picture, to highlight the person shown.
Update: 2024-4