Gaji Millie Bobby Brown

Lahir: 2004 Spain
  • Tahun: IDR163,552,545,967.00
  • Bulan: IDR13,629,378,830.58
  • Minggu: IDR3,145,241,268.60
  • Hari: IDR629,048,253.72
Millie Bobby Brown

Sejak Anda mengunjungi halaman ini, Millie Bobby Brown telah mendapatkan:

This summary is provided by Wikipedia

Millie Bobby Brown adalah seorang aktris dan produser asal Inggris. Dia dikenal karena berperan sebagai Eleven dalam serial fiksi ilmiah Netflix, Stranger Things (2016–sekarang), yang membuatnya mendapatkan dua nominasi Primetime Emmy Award untuk kategori Aktris Pendukung Luar Biasa dalam Serial Drama dan dua nominasi Screen Actors Guild Awards untuk kategori Aktris terbaik dalam Serial Drama. Dia adalah salah satu penerima nominasi termuda untuk penghargaan tersebut. Pada tahun 2018, Brown ditampilkan dalam Time 100, daftar orang paling berpengaruh di dunia dan ditunjuk sebagai UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador, orang termuda yang dipilih untuk posisi ini.

Wikipedia page about Millie Bobby Brown

- December 2022: US$10 million (Starring in Enola Holmes 2)
- October 2021: Millie Bobby Brown started out earning 20,000 dollars per episode in 2016. Now, the figure is up to 250,000 dollars.
- Nov 2020: According to many sources, Millie Bobby Brown obtained a $6.1 million contract for the movie "Enola Holmes" (a 2020 movie about the teenage sister of the already-famous Sherlock Holmes). “Enola Holmes” is the first producing project for the Brown sisters (Millie Bobbie and Paige). The sisters discussed the project with their father and, through their family production company, PCMA Productions, connected with Legendary Pictures, a studio Millie had a relationship with via the “Godzilla” franchise, to make the film happen. Netflix acquired the finished film in April, when movie theaters were already shut down due to COVID-19.
- Aug 2019: Based on Deadline’s estimations, Millie Bobby Brown will make as much as $2 million for Stranger Things series 3 - adding to a previous total of $510,000.


For the picture, the full credits and the applicable licence are accessible via the source link. The only change made to the picture is the cropping of the picture, to highlight the person shown.

Update: 2023-4
