- Tahun: IDR3,263,429,425,158.00
- Bulan: IDR271,952,452,096.50
- Minggu: IDR62,758,258,176.12
- Hari: IDR12,551,651,635.22
Sejak Anda mengunjungi halaman ini, Dilip Shanghvi telah mendapatkan:
Dilip Shanghvi adalah seorang pengusaha yang berasal dari India. Ia adalah pendiri dari Sun Pharmaceuticals yang bergerak di bidang farmasi. Pada 2015 Forbes merilis, ia menempati posisi ke-2 dalam daftar orang tarkaya di India dan posisi ke-44 orang terkaya di dunia. Ia juga Ketua dan Direktur Manager Sun Pharma Advanced Research Company dan Shantilal Shanghvi Foundation.
Wikipedia page about Dilip ShanghviFictional income calculated by subtracting the net worth of 2023 from the 2024 net worth.
Net Worth 2024: $26.5 B (no rise compared to last year)
Fictional income calculated by subtracting the net worth of 2022 from the 2023 net worth:
Net Worth Apr. 2022: $15.6B (Forbes)
Net Worth Mar. 2023 $15.8B (Forbes)
- Picture: M.Arvindd Shanmugam, Wikipedia — Attribution-ShareAlike (CC BY-SA)
- Text: Forbes
- Text: Wikipedia
- Text: Forbes
For the picture, the full credits and the applicable licence are accessible via the source link. The only change made to the picture is the cropping of the picture, to highlight the person shown.
Update: 2024-3