What is your working status?
Do you have a written employment contract? Whether you are a contract worker or permanent worker, make sure that you know your rights
Do you have a written employment contract? Whether you are a contract worker or permanent worker, make sure that you know your rights
Information about employment guarantee including employment agreement, contract, termination of employment, severance pay, and probation period in the garment sector in Indonesia
Employment agreement is an agreement between the workers/laborers and the employer, which contains the terms of employment, rights and obligations of the parties. Under the manpower rules in Indonesia , there are 2 types of employment agreement by expiry period, i.e. Fixed Term Employment Agreement (FTEA) and Indefinite Term Employment Agreement (ITEA).
An FTEA or Fixed Term Employment Agreement shall mean an employment agreement between the worker/laborer and the employer to establish an employment relationship with a fixed term or for a particular work. The FTEA is based on the term or completion of a particular work under the employment agreement. The worker is often called a contract worker.
An ITEA or Indefinite Term Employment Agreement is an agreement between the Worker/Laborer and the Employer to establish a permanent Employment Relationship. This permanent employment relationship has no time limitation (it may be up to the retirement age or when the worker dies). The worker is often called a permanent or fixed worker.
The FTEA requirements shall be generally applicable to all employment agreements in various employment sectors. The general requirements shall include agreement, capacity of the parties (capability of the parties making an agreement in the eyes of law), consideration, and validity of such consideration. These are the general requirements for a valid agreement pursuant to the civil laws.
The requirements for manpower rules to be observed shall be the completeness of identity of the parties, the types of work or position, amount of pay (not against the rules), term of agreement, and worker placement. Then, as additional requirements, the employment agreement should be made in duplicate where each party should hold one counterpart having the same legal power. In addition, the number of contract workers and the types of work should also be registered with the local manpower department.
The FTEA may not be applicable to all types of work in the garment sector. The FTEA may only be made for a particular work that, by type and nature or activity, shall be finished within a particular period/temporary. Any infringement of these provisions shall legally turn the FTEA into an ITEA (Article 59 paragraph (3) letter b and paragraph (3) of the Law No. 13 of 2003 concerning Manpower)
Under the new derivative provisions of the Job Creation Law, i.e. article 8 of Government Regulation No. 35 of 2021 concerning Fixed Term Employment Agreement, Outsourcing, Working Time and Break Time, and Termination of Employment, the effective period of entire FTEA and any extension thereof shall not exceed 5 years.
Yes, the FTEA may be extended several times if the work performed is not finished, provided that the effective period of entire FTEA and any extension thereof shall not exceed 5 years.
Under the new rules, there is no renewal of FTEA. There is only a rule that the FTEA may only be extended for no more than 5 years.
If the workers have executed the FTEA for more than 5 years, then the employment agreement may no longer be renewed. The Company should decide whether to appoint the workers or terminate their employment due to the expiry of employment agreement. These provisions are different from the previous provisions of the Law No. 13 of 2003 concerning Manpower asserting the infringement of term of FTEA causes the FTEA to legally turn into an ITEA.
Termination of Employment shall mean the termination of employment due to particular matters resulting in the end of rights and obligations between the worker/laborer and the employer. In accordance with the Manpower Law and the Job Creation Law, any terminated worker may receive the compensation for termination on the following conditions:
Article 17 of Government Regulation No. 35/2021 states that if either party in this case the worker or the company terminates the employment relationship where the contract period has not expired, then the employer shall be required to provide compensation pay, the amount of which shall be calculated on the basis of term of FTEA undertaken by the worker.
Under the FTEA, the probation period is not allowed to become a requirement in an FTEA. For the FTEA, the service period is calculated since the first time working without the probation period. If the probation period is required, then the probation period shall be null and void and the service period shall remain counted.
Since the existence of changes in the rules stating that the employment agreement may be made in writing or verbally, there is no obligation for the employer to issue the employment agreement in writing. However, for legal certainty of the compliance with the employment agreement by either the workers and the employer, then the employer may remind and ask for the employment agreement to be made in writing. It should be understood that the employment agreement is an agreement containing the terms of employment, rights and obligations of the parties. It means that legal certainty is not only for the benefit of the workers but also the employer.
If an FTEA infringes the applicable laws and regulations, then the employment agreement shall become null and void (article 52 paragraph (1) letter d and paragraph (3) of Law No. 13/2003)
Although it is asserted that any FTEA infringing the rules shall become null and void, there are only 2 (two) types of infringement that legally turn the FTEA into an ITEA, namely:
If the FTEA turns into an ITEA, then the one serving as the basis for calculating the service period shall be the FTEA because the calculation of the service period commences since the existence of employment relationship/first time working.
If the ITEA commences with a probation period, then the one serving as the basis for calculating the service period shall be the commencement of probation period because the calculation of the service period commences since the existence of employment relationship/first time working.
Pursuant to article 61 of Law No. 13/2003 in conjunction with Law No. 11/2021, the employment relationship may terminate, when:
Article 16 of Government Regulation No. 35/2021 governs compensation pay for workers whose employment under the FTEA terminates. The calculation shall be proportional against the term of FTEA undertaken by the worker. The amount of compensation pay shall be determined as follows:
In the event of termination of employment, the employer shall be required to pay compensation, the amount of which shall be according to the reason of termination of employment. As for the compensation, it shall be in the form of: severance pay, long-service pay, compensation pay, and separation pay.
A garment worker who is pregnant or giving birth may not be terminated. Even for female workers who give birth, guarantee should be given that the relevant worker shall be reinstated to her former job and position after taking the maternity leave.
A worker who is terminated due to the company being dissolved, then the termination compensation pay shall be adjusted to the circumstance of dissolution of the company, as follows:
A garment worker whose company is brought by or merged with another company and the worker refuses to continue the employment relationship or the employer refuses to accept the worker, then the worker shall be entitled to: 1x severance pay, 1x long-service pay, and Compensation Pay (article 41 of Government Regulation No. 35/2021). If the worker chooses to continue working at the new company, then the service period calculation constitutes the continuation of service period of the previous company.
A garment worker terminated due to committing an infringement of the provisions set forth in the Employment Agreement, the Company Regulation, or the Collective Bargaining Agreement, and previously issued the first, second and third warning letters, then the worker shall be entitled to: 0,5x severance pay, 1x long-service pay, and Compensation Pay (Article 52 paragraph (1) of Government Regulation No. 35/2021).
Retired garment workers shall be entitled to: 1.75x severance pay, 1x long-service pay, and Compensation Pay (Article 56 of Government Regulation No. 35/2021). If the company enrolls the workers in the pension program, the contribution paid by the company may be calculated as part of the fulfillment of the company’s obligations of the severance pay and the long-service pay and the separation pay as referred to above. However, if the calculation of benefits of the pension program is smaller than the severance pay and the long-service pay and the separation pay, then the difference shall be paid by the Employer.
Garment workers resigning after satisfying all requirements shall be entitled to: Compensation Pay and Separation Pay of which amount is set forth in the Employment Agreement, the Company Regulation, or the Collective Bargaining Agreement in each workplace.
The calculation of severance pay is determined under Article 156 paragraph (2) of the Law No. 13 of 2003 concerning Manpower (Law No. 13/2003) in conjunction with Law No. 11 of 2020 concerning Job Creation and Article 40 paragraph (2) of Government Regulation No. 35 of 2021 concerning Fixed Term Employment Agreement, Outsourcing, Working Time and Break Time, and Termination of Employment (Government Regulation No. 35/2021), shall be:
The calculation of long-service pay under article 156 paragraph (3) of Law No. 11/2020 in conjunction with Law No. 13/2003 and article 40 paragraph (3) of Government Regulation No. 35/2021 shall be as follows:
The compensation pay that should have been received under article 156 paragraph (4) of Law No. 11/2020 in conjunction with Law No. 13/2003 and article 40 paragraph (4) of Government Regulation No. 35/2021, in the form of:
The amount of separation pay is set forth in the Employment Agreement, the Company Regulation, or the Collective Bargaining Agreement in each workplace.