WorkerPriorityPoll Result

WorkersPriorityPolls or WPP is a tool or instrument designed to gather the aspirations of workers within a company regarding labour-related topics (occupational health and safety, working hours, wages, social security, etc.) that are deemed priorities for immediate discussion or improvement by the management of the trade unions or employee representatives. WPP is expected to facilitate workers in voicing their needs, promote the creation of data-driven collective bargaining between workers and employers, and enhance working conditions in line with the workers' requirements.

The graph below represents the results of the ongoing polling of workers' priorities, updated each time a worker or respondent completes the survey. From this graph, you can discern the topic preferences of worker respondents based on the company/factory of origin, gender, age, and employment status. Additionally, you can track polling results over specific periods and gain more detailed insights into the choices made by workers.

