Provincial Minimum Wage in South Sumatera

Provincial and Regency/City Minimum Wage in South Sumatera 2023

Provincial Minimum Wage in South Sumatera 2024

The Minimum Wage for the Province of South Sumatra for 2024 has been stipulated by South Sumatra Governor's Decree Number 889/KPTS/Disnakertrans/2023 concerning the 2024 Minimum Wage. The amount of South Sumatra Province Minimum Wage for 2024 is IDR 3,456,874. This figure has increased by 1.55% which is smaller than the previous year.

Increase Percentage (%)
Governor's Decree
IDR 3,404,177
IDR 3,456,874

South Sumatra Governor's Decree Number 889/2022


South Sumatra Regency/City Minimum Wage 2024

The government has announced an increase in the City/Regency minimum wage in 17 cities/regencies of South Sumatra. The increase in city/regency minimum wages refers to PP Number 51 of 2023. There are five cities and regencies that have minimum wage values higher than provincial minimum wages.

List of Regencies Minimum Wage Rates in South Sumatera 2024:

PROVINCE REGENCY/CITY Regency/City Minimum Wage 2023 Regency/City Minimum Wage 2024
South Sumatera
Palembang City

IDR 3,565,409

IDR 3,677,591

Prabumulih City

IDR 3,404,177

IDR 3,456,874

Pagar Alam City

IDR 3,404,177

IDR 3,456,874

Lubuklinggau City

IDR 3,404,177

IDR 3,456,874

Banyuasin Regency

IDR 3,442,243

IDR 3,488,289

Empat Lawang Regency

IDR 3,404,177

IDR 3,456,874

Lahat Regency

IDR 3,404,177

IDR 3,456,874

Muara Enim Regency

IDR 3,538,556

IDR 3,627,622

Musi Banyuasin Regency

IDR 3,502,873

IDR 3,502,873

Musi Rawas Regency

IDR 3,404,177

IDR 3,456,874

North Musi Rawas Regency

IDR 3,404,177

IDR 3,456,874

Ogan Ilir Regency

IDR 3,404,177

IDR 3,456,874

Ogan Komering Ilir Regency

IDR 3,404,177

IDR 3,456,874

Ogan Komering Ulu Regency

IDR 3,404,177

IDR 3,456,874

East Ogan Komering Ulu Regency

IDR 3,464,303

IDR 3,464,303

South Ogan Komering Ulu Regency

IDR 3,404,177

IDR 3,456,874

Penukal Abab Lematang Ilir Regency

IDR 3,404,177

IDR 3,456,874
