Interviewer Workshop of Makin Terang 2023

Interviewer Workshop of Makin Terang Programme 2023

10-12 April 2023


The Makin Terang Programme is Phase III of WageIndicator’s change approach to increase the transparency of working conditions and improve data-driven social dialogue in garment, textile, and footwear factories in Indonesia. Thus, data collection works are crucial. Being at the forefront of the programme to collect data, the interviewer also acts as a connector to the programme's target, namely trade unions. Based on those things above, the interviewers need training and workshops.

To obtain relevant knowledge and skills, the Interviewer Workshop was conducted on 10-12 April 2023. There were nine interviewers in the workshop. They are representatives of partnering unions in the programme, which are Serikat Pekerja Nasional (SPN), Federasi Serikat Pekerja Tekstil Sandang dan Kulit – Serikat Pekerja Seluruh Indonesia (FSP TSK-SPSI), dan Federasi Serikat Buruh Garmen, Kerajinan Tekstil, Kulit dan Sentra Industri (FSB Garteks).


FIRST DAY, 10th APRIL 2023

Zulfikar from the Trade Union Rights Centre (TURC) started the first day of the workshop. This session discussed the Rana Plaza tragedy caused by work-related accidents. The interviewer concluded that there were highlighted points: review factories with similar patterns of breaking workers’ rights and respond collectively to advocacy towards related brands.


Photo Description: The participants are examining the lesson learned from the Rana Plaza tragedy


After that, the workshop moved on to “Labour and Social Reproduction,” facilitated by Ichsan from TURC. This session discussed the concept of social reproduction, gender roles, gender discrimination, and the relationship between reproduction and the production system. The participants enthusiastically and actively exchanged arguments, particularly during the session on gender roles in society.


Photo Description: Session II talks about labour and social reproduction


The next session continued with the introduction of Makin Terang, facilitated by Fakhri and Fitria from Gajimu. In this session, the participants are expected to understand and explain the Makin Terang Programme, starting from its goals, workflow, partners, and targets & achievements.


Photo Description: Session III discusses the introduction to the Makin Terang programme


In the last session of day 1,  we discussed social dialogue and collective bargaining facilitated by Ichsan from TURC. Furthermore, the participants explored the history and concept of social dialogue and its differences with collective bargaining. They highlighted collective bargaining has been changing over time, from initially political initiatives of trade unions to negotiation based on normative law.


Photo Description: The discussion of session IV is about social dialogue and collective bargaining 



On day 2, the workshop started with collective bargaining agreement facilitated by Ichsan Ahmad Budi from LBH Bandung. This session examined the effect of the Job Creation Law on CBA, noting that CBA is understood as normative bargaining. Ahmad Budi began with the notion that CBA should not just talk about the law but also about relations in the workplace. Hence, workers’ collective power becomes crucial for subordinate workers.


Photo Description: session I discussed collective bargaining agreement post the Job Creation Law


The next session talked about data collection. Facilitated by the Gajimu team, there are several surveys and data of Makin Terang: decent work survey, factory info, CBA database, bipartite report, and WorkerPriorityPoll (WPP). The participants gave feedback, particularly to our newest survey: WPP, so that they understand its content, goals, and implementation.


Photo Description: Session II talked about survey and data collection



On the third day, the workshop started with knowing how to read data, such as factory info, decent work survey results, and the CBA database. Then, the participants gave their feedback and recommendations to improve the surveys. They also learned to read data visualisation of decent work surveys and bipartite results. Data visualisation aims to trigger discussions among workers in the factories. Ultimately, they were expected to articulate their most urgent issues in the bargaining process. 


Photo Description: The facilitator from Gajimu is explaining how to understand data visualisation of the surveys

After discussing surveys, they discussed how to differentiate between data and information, collect qualitative and quantitative data, and use data for advocacy.

Workshop Interviewer - Jakarta - 10-12 April 2023 (1).png

In the last session, Rita Tambunan from Mondiaal FNV wrapped the workshop by highlighting important notes from three workshop days. She stated that the ultimate goal of the Makin Terang programme is to reclaim trade unions' political power.


Learn more about the programme:

FAQ Makin Terang Programme
Gender Responsive CBA Workshop in Cirebon
Data-Driven Advocacy Workshop in West Java

