PT. Win Textile Bipartite Meeting Results

Bipartite Meeting Results for the period of April - June 2020

Some of the agreements reached regarding the Religious Holidays in the Bipartite Meeting between the management of PT. Win Textile - Purwakarta and the Workers' Trade Union, are as follows:

  • The company gives Annual Holidays benefits (THR) to workers in accordance with the provisions, paid in full 100%.
  • Annual holidays for Religious Celebration Event that happened in May 2020 for all workers in PT. WinTextile has been adjusted based on the conditions set by the government.

This bipartite meeting was held on May 12, 2020, and was attended by 6 representatives of trade unions who were active in PT. Win Textile - Purwakarta (SPSI and FSPMI) and 5 representatives from company management.


How does the factory comply with Labour Law?

How is PT. Win Textile – Purwakarta’s performance during the COVID-19 pandemic?

Go to PT. Win Textile - Purwakarta's factory pages to check its compliance rate

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