Training of Trainers, National Level Data-Based Advocacy

Training of Trainers, National Level Data-Based Advocacy Jakarta 29-31 July 2022


Behind good training, there must be good participants and trainers. Therefore, Data Academy does not only focus on training preparations on modules and training materials but also the trainers. Trainers who master the Data Academy module/curriculum are also expected to be able to use their knowledge and skills in facilitating training that is independently carried out by trade unions/labor unions at the central, regional, and factory levels.

The formation of Data Academy trainers is carried out through the Training of Trainer (ToT) program. The ToT was held on 29-31 July 2022 in Jakarta and was attended by 18 representatives of regional leaders/branches of our partner trade union SPN, TSK SPSI and FSB Garteks from various regions. The purpose of ToT is intended to produce new trainers in data-based advocacy training.

The first learning material for the trainers was delivered by Abu Mufakhir from Labor Magazine 'Sedane.' In this labor political economy session, Abu conveyed the implications of changes to labor regulations and social security in Indonesia, dynamics, and opportunities for trade unions. The second material was continued by Ruth Indiah Rahayu, a female researcher. Ruth explained about the concept of gender, gender-based violence especially in the world of work, the root of gender problems and the opportunity to include gender issues through a gender-responsive Collective Bargain Agreement (CBA) and the involvement of women in it.

Furthermore, the trainer received material on techniques for obtaining data, using data in advocacy efforts, and formulating and negotiating it in existing company policies, either through bipartite dialogue or CBA negotiations. Sources of data supporting the negotiations can be obtained from various sources, one of which can be done by browsing the website The content of this website is designed to support trade unions in obtaining data; including information on Decent Work Check Survey data and Covid-19 surveys, CBA databases from various companies that can be used as references, discussion of various topics and Indonesian labor regulations, etc.

The trainer was introduced to the Problem Inventory List filling form in this training. When compiling a draft CBA, mapping topics and subtopics in the CBA will be much easier if they are classified in the Problem Inventory List. The trainer candidates were taught to use it in formulating the articles in the CBA. They are also guided so that they can access data/references/information that can support their arguments in building the formulation of the article.

The articles made based on the low level of compliance in the employability survey in several companies are listed on the factory info page on the website, which is related to work guarantees, work time and rest periods, minimum wages and wage scale structures, occupational health and safety, social security, and freedom of association. To prioritize CBA with a gender perspective, the trainer candidates are also asked to develop articles related to women's reproductive rights, fair treatment, and sexual violence and harassment in the world of work.


In the final session, new articles developed using the Problem Inventory List were presented between participants and given input, so that various legal breakthroughs were obtained for the PKB. It is hoped that these advanced articles can be immediately adopted by various CBAs in the company. It is also hoped that efforts to create advanced CBA can be accelerated by training methods facilitated by the alumni of the National Level Data-Based Advocacy ToT. Training of Trainers activity can also be seen on Gajimu Indonesia's Instagram and Gajimu's Facebook Fanpage


Interested in joining the Data Academy training? Or want to use our training curriculum? Contact the Data Academy team at to find out more about the terms and conditions.
