Focus Group Discussion "Final Reflections on Data Academy Initiatives 2021"

Data Academy - FGD submitting survey results and End of Year Reflection on various programs and activities of Data Academy 2021

Focus Group Discussion

"Final Reflection on the 2021 Data Academy Initiative"

 7 Dec 2021

One of the main objectives of the Data Academy program is to strengthen Trade Unions’ members in conducting advocacy in data and evidence-based social dialogue. In addition, the program also promotes data transparency in the Textile, Garment, Leather and Footwear industry. On December 7th 2021, Gajimu Indonesia and Trade Union Right Center (TURC) invited National representatives from the Trade Unions/Labor Unions partners of the Data Academy Program in a Focus Group Discussion activity called "Final Reflection on Data Academy Initiatives in 2021". The purpose of this meeting is to find out the perceived benefits of the Data Academy, the obstacles that occur and future program plans according to the inputs of the FGD participants who attended.

Participants were also given time to make presentations to respond to some important questions, such as:

  1. What activities that Trade Unions can do with the data from Data Academy’s  surveys at the factory, national and international level? 
  2. How can this method of advocacy be used continuously? 
  3. Challenges and future strategies? 
  4. How do these programs intersect with existing initiatives, such as with DSS, FoA Protocol Committee, Wage and Employment Protocol team, IndustryAll, and other initiatives? 
  5. What efforts can be made together to convey the results of the surveys to the country-level Brands representatives?

Here are some program outputs reported by the team to reflect on the Data Academy Initiatives in 2021: 

  1. Capacity Building Procurement, which are all directed at evidence-based and gender-responsive advocacy. 
  2. Surveys produced, a Decent Work Check survey and a COVID-19 working conditions survey have been running since last year.
  3. Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) Drafts, 6 factories are currently drafting new CBAs and 10 factories are currently enhancing their current CBAs.
  4. Trade Unions that are Data Academy’s partners are participating in the KILO 190 Advocacy regarding the Alliance to Stop Violence and Harassment in the World of Work. 

Complementing this reflection, partners convey a number of inputs according to the national situation and partner needs for the future programs. The biggest challenge for this initiative right now is regulation, which includes legal uncertainty, fast changing conditions, weak bargaining power of the workers and policies that are detrimental to workers. As an example, Minimum Wage issues, which according to the provisions, only applies to workers under 1 year, but in fact workers with decades of service still depend on this wage increase. It is hoped by the Trade Unions partners that this initiative can be further encouraged in order to reveal the facts of minimum wage violations and put forward the perception of the real needs of workers through its surveys. A number of activities have been scheduled so that stakeholders in the garment, textile and footwear sectors, both at the national and international level, can socialize the results and outputs of the data academy initiative in 2021.

FGD _Refleksi Akhir Tahun Inisiatif Data Academy 2021_ 7 Des 2021.png

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