Check your Factory!

Wouldn’t it be nice to work in a factory with good working environment? Visit our Indonesian garment factory pages to find out which garment factory  offers good working conditions, pay, and benefits according to labour law. 

What is Gajimu Garment?

Gajimu Garment is a website where people who work in garment sector can find information on wageslabor law, and garment factory survey results. We collect and compare working conditions data from various garment factories through on- and offline surveys.

Despite widespread improvement efforts in Indonesia, many garment factories still fail to comply with minimum wage and labour law. Currently, workers and unions do not have access to granular information comparing compliance between factories, limiting the ability for unions to negotiate improvements

We share our Survey findings in which will be available for the public, including garment workers, employers, government, buyers, and brands. Besides, we also do some activities under a programme called Makin Terang.

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