- Tahunan: $ 183.135.362,00
- Bulanan: $ 15.261.280,17
- Mingguan: $ 3.521.833,88
- Harian: $ 704.366,78
From the moment you arrived on this page, Lionel Messi has earned:
Lionel Andrés "Leo" Messi merupakan seorang pemain bola sepak profesional Argentina yang bermain sebagai penyerang untuk Inter Miami dan kapten pasukan kebangsaan Argentina. Dianggap secara meluas sebagai salah seorang pemain terhebat sepanjang zaman, Messi telah memenangi 8 Ballon d'Or, 6 Kasut Emas Eropah, dan dinamakan pemain terbaik dunia sebanyak 8 kali oleh FIFA. Beliau telah memenangi 43 trofi dalam kerjayanya. Sehingga tahun 2021, beliau telah menghabiskan seluruh kerjaya profesional dengan Barcelona, di mana beliau memenangi rekod 34 trofi termasuk 10 gelaran La Liga, 7 gelaran Copa del Rey, dan 4 gelaran Liga Juara-Juara UEFA. Manakala negara pula, beliau memenangi 2 Copa América dan Piala Dunia FIFA 2022. Beliau merupakan seorang penjaring gol yang prolifik dan playmaker kreatif, Messi memegang rekod untuk gol sebanyak 474 gol, hatrik sebanyak 36 kali, dan bantuan gol sebanyak 192 kali dalam La Liga, 36 penampilan dan 18 bantuan gol dalam Copa América. Beliau mempunyai gol antarabangsa sebanyak 108 gol dan 185 penampilan. Messi telah menjaringkan lebih 800 gol dalam kerjayanya untuk kelab dan juga negara, dan gol terbanyak untuk satu kelab iaitu sebanyak 672 gol.
Wikipedia page about Lionel MessiEarnings overview
- Forbes May 2024: On-Field: $65 million | Off-Field: $70 million
- Forbes May 2023: On-Field: $65 million | Off-Field: $65 million
- Forbes Oct 2022: ON-FIELD: $65 mil • OFF-FIELD: $55 mil
-Cnbc.com Aug. 2021: Messi signed a two-year deal with PSG this week, with an option for a third, that will net him an annual salary of $41 million plus bonuses.
-Forbes May 2021: $130 M ($97M on the field, $33M off the field)
-El Mundo Jan. 2020: El contrato del argentino Lionel Messi con el FC Barcelona asciende a 555.237.619 euros brutos, a cobrar en cuatro temporadas -entre la 2017/2018 y la que está en curso- hasta su vencimiento, el próximo 30 de junio. La cifra es la suma de salario fijo, derechos de imagen, una serie de primas multimillonarias inéditas hasta la fecha, dietas y un rosario de variables dependiendo de diversos objetivos.
- Capology Nov 2020: $ 81,240,000 (2020-2021 gross base salary)
- Forbes May 2020: $ 104 million (salary/winnings $ 72 M; endorsements $ 32 M)
-Capology.com August 2019: 2019-20 gross base salary €70758000
- Forbes June 2019: $127 million
- Goal.com Feb 2019: 99.6 million euro
- Forbes June 2018:$111 million
- Forbes June 2017: $80 million
- Forbes June 2016: $81.4 M
- Forbes June 2015: $73.8 million
- Forbes June 2014: $64.7 million
- Globe and Mail May 2014: New contract Barcelona: 16.3 million ($27.4 million, 20 million euro)
- ESPN April 2014: $50.1 million, without endorsements
- Francefootball via SportAfrica March 2013: 35 million euro
- Forbes December 2012: Messi signed a new contract with Barcelona until 2018, earning 16 million euro a year ($21.2 million) as long as Barca make it to the Champions League and Messi plays at least in 65% of the matches. According to Forbes Messie earned prviously $20 million in salary and bonus and another $19 million in endorsements.
- France Football March, 2011: 31 million euro wages and endorsements
- Forbes April 21, 2010: $20million, Forbes May 2012 $39 million
- Picture: Agenzia di stampa Tasnim, Wikipedia — Attribution (CC BY)
- Text: Forbes
- Text: Express.co.uk
- Text: Forbes
- Text: Forbes
- Text: Forbes
- Text: Cnbc
- Text: Forbes
- Text: El Mundo
- Text: Capology.com
- Text: Forbes
- Text: Forbes
- Text: Forbes
- Text: Forbes
- Text: Forbes
- Text: Forbes
- Text: Forbes
- Text: Forbes
- Text: Forbes
- Text: Forbes
- Text: Forbes
- Text: Goal.com
- Text: Francefootball
- Text: ESPN
- Text: FranceFootball
- Text: France Football
- Text: Wikipedia
- Text: Forbes
For the picture, the full credits and the applicable licence are accessible via the source link. The only change made to the picture is the cropping of the picture, to highlight the person shown.
Update: 2024-5