Gaji J.K.Rowling

Penulis - United Kingdom
Dilahirkan: 1965 United Kingdom
  • Tahunan: $ 119.837.996,00
  • Bulanan: $ 9.986.499,67
  • Mingguan: $ 2.304.576,85
  • Harian: $ 460.915,37

From the moment you arrived on this page, J.K.Rowling has earned:

This summary is provided by Wikipedia

Joanne Kathleen Rowling atau lebih dikenali sebagai J.K. Rowling, merupakan pengarang novel United Kingdom. Beliau dilahirkan pada 31 Julai 1965 di Chipping Sodbury, dekat Bristol, England. Beliau kini tinggal di Edinburgh, Scotland, Rowling menjadi sensasi kesusasteraan antarabangsa pada tahun 1999 apabila tiga siri pertama novel remaja Harry Potter mengambil alih tiga tempat teratas dalam senarai New York Times best-seller selepas memperoleh kejayaan yang sama di United Kingdom. Rezeki Rowling semakin bertambah apabila siri ke-4, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire diterbitkan pada bulan Julai tahun 2000. Siri ini menjadi buku paling laris jualannya dalam sejarah.

Wikipedia page about Joanne Kathleen Rowling

Annual earnings overview:
The Times May 2024: net worth £945 million (£70m rise on 2023) May 2023: £25m May 2022: £30m Apr. 2021: £45m

Forbes May 2020: $ 60 million

Forbes Oct 2019: $92 million

Forbes 2018: $54 million

Forbes 2017: $95 million

Forbes 2016: $19 million

Forbes 2014: $14 million

Forbes 2013: $13 million

Forbes 2012: $17 million

Forbes 2011: $10 million

Forbes estimated Rowling's income for 2008: 300 Million dollar, in 2010 the sales of Potter books and merchandise slowed down.


For the picture, the full credits and the applicable licence are accessible via the source link. The only change made to the picture is the cropping of the picture, to highlight the person shown.

Update: 2024-6
