Gaji Aaron Rodgers

Pemain bola sepak - Green Bay Packers - Amerika Syarikat
Dilahirkan: 1983, United States
  • Tahunan: $ 109.134.608,00
  • Bulanan: $ 9.094.550,67
  • Mingguan: $ 2.098.742,46
  • Harian: $ 419.748,49
Aaron Rodgers

From the moment you arrived on this page, Aaron Rodgers has earned:

This summary is provided by Wikipedia

Berikut adalah daftar statistik yang melibatkan quarterback bola sepak gridiron yang pernah bermain dalam liga bola sepak profesional di Amerika Utara. Ini merangkumi pemimpin liga dalam hal lemparan jarak, jumlah lemparan gol, lemparan penyempurnaan, dan percubaan lemparan.

Wikipedia page about Senarai statistik lulus quarterback bola sepak gridiron

Income overview:
Forbes May 2024: On-Field: $71.8 million | Off-Field: $9 million
ESPN Jul 2023: $ 50.2 million (annual salary)
Forbes May 2023: $ 53 M (total earnings)
NBC Sports Apr 2023: $50.27 million
NBC Sports Sep 2021: $33.5 million Oct. 2020: annual salary 2020/21: $21,642,000
BusinessInsider/Forbes Jan 2020: $ 89.3 million
Forbes June 2019: $89.3 million
Forbes 2018: $75.9 million
Spotrac earnings 2017: $20.3 million
Forbes earnings 2014:
Total earnings: $22.0 million
Salary/bonus: $14.5 million
Endorsements: $7.5 million


For the picture, the full credits and the applicable licence are accessible via the source link. The only change made to the picture is the cropping of the picture, to highlight the person shown.

Update: 2024-5
